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Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2018

English Language Challenges

Hello again, this last post will be about the most important aspects that I have learned during this semester in the English branch "Intermediate". First of all, I want to tell you that my experience in English has had two sides. One bitter, with the English course "pre-intermediate", where he did nothing, nor exercises. In fact, I did not have classes for a month. And on the other hand, the experience of English "intermediate" where the teacher tried to make classes more enjoyable, jokings, but explaining at the same time, and I must say that this experience was better than the previous one because I learned a little more. As a second point, the use of the blog, I feel that it helped me to express myself and to develop a little more the written part of English. I already have more facilities to listen and read, but when it comes to speaking or writing, it is very difficult for me. And it was precisely what the course dealt with. With respect

Changes to my study program

Hi! It's me again. today I want to talk to you about the changes that I would like to make in my study program.  As I have mentioned on other occasions, I study in FACSO, the psychology degree. In this career, there are quite a few things that I would like to change so I will go detailing them one by one. First the facilities, in terms of structure. In FACSO, the rooms are small, sometimes there are courses of 65 students and many of them are left without a place. This is also because there are no more tables or chairs, because of the little space there is. Another thing, with regard to this, is that there are some precarious conditions, such as the one mentioned above, in addition to the lack of heating and ventilation in each of the rooms. Many times in the summer, it is unbearable to be in the rooms, because of the number of people and the hot air that forms. In addition to this, in FACSO, there is no casino for students either, there is a casino-style venue, but they do no