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As the title says, in this blog I will talk about social networks, what is my favorite, how often I use them, among other things.

Currently, social networks have become of great importance for the Society, especially for the younger ones. It is worth saying that social networks are a double-edged sword, as they serve to connect with people of the world, know and share experiences, places, among other things. They can also be used against us. You can filter personal data, suffer extortion with photographs, generate hatred towards a community, among other things.

But, well, people still use them, just like me. Personally, my favorite ones are WhatsApp, although I'm not sure if it's a social network, or an instantaneous messaging application, and Instagram.
Both applications I use quite often every day. Sometimes when I'm bored or I have free time. Or other times, when I need to communicate with someone and I can’t call. I believe that both applications facilitate communication, and that they generally serve for leisure. Although nowadays they have also become an important tool in the work.

Finally, about these applications, as a curious fact I only know that people use at least 1 hour on Instagram every day, and that they use more megabytes of internet than YouTube.

And that's all for today, greetings!


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